Associate Professor Stephane Shepherd

Associate Professor

Swinburne University

Research Area Keywords
Youth Justice; Pathways into offending; Interventions and Programming; Culturally and Linguistically Diverse young people; Cross-cultural Mental Health.



About Stephane


Dr. Shepherd has established an international reputation as a cross-cultural expert in forensic psychology. He has published over 70 journal articles and book chapters and he has obtained over $3.1 million in funding. He has led numerous research projects (including an ARC DECRA Fellowship) on violence, pathways into the justice system, violent extremism, and the clinical needs of multicultural people who are justice-involved. He is a Fulbright Scholar and the recipient of international early career research awards from both the American Psychology-Law Society and the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. He was awarded the 2020 Victorian Multicultural Commission's Award for excellence in Justice and was named one of the ABC's Top 5 early career researchers under 40 in 2020.


Journal Articles

Forensic risk assessment and cultural diversity: Contemporary challenges and future directions (2016)

Shepherd, S. and Lewis-Fernandez, R.


Criminal Engagement and Australian Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations: Challenges and Implications for Forensic Risk Assessment (2015)

Shepherd, S.


Gender and Ethnicity in Juvenile Risk Assessment (2012)

Shepherd, S., Luebbers S. and Dolan, M


Violence risk assessment in Australian Aboriginal offender populations: A review of the literature (2014)

Shepherd, S., Adams, Y., McEntyre, E. and Walker, R.


The Role of Protective Factors and the Relationship With Recidivism for High-Risk Young People in Detention (2016)

Shepherd, S., Luebbers, S. and Ogloff, J.


Pathways to offending for young Sudanese Australians (2017)

Shepherd, S., Newton D., and Farquharson, K.


The impact of indigenous cultural identity and cultural engagement on violent offending (2017)

Shepherd, S., Delgado, R.H., Sherwood, J. and Paradies, Y.


Mental Health, Psychological Distress, and Coping in Australian Cross-Cultural Prison Populations (2020)

Arran, R., Trounson,J. Louise, S., Shepherd,S. and Ogloff, J.


Working with at-risk Culturally and Linguistically Diverse young people in Australia - risk factors, programming and service delivery (2020)

Shepherd, S. and Masuka, G.


The Mental Health of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Offenders -What do we know? (2020)

Rose, A., Shepherd, S. and Ogloff, J.


Grants and Projects

2023-2026: ARC Discovery Project: Understanding the drivers and motivators of extremist violence (DP230101474)

Shepherd S, Grossman M, Pathe M and Gill P


Australian Institute of Criminology (S. Shepherd, J. Ogloff, N. Papalia). “Exploring the transition from youth to adult offending - A 10-year follow-up study of Australian young people in custody”.

Department of Education (J. Ogloff, M. Daffern, R. Fullam, K. Thomson, M. Nixon, T. McEwan, S. Shepherd). Review of the Countering Violent Extremism in Schools Initiatives.

Australian Institute of Criminology (S. Shepherd, T. Anthony, E. Marchetti, J. Trounson). The consideration of culture in pre-sentence reports.

Victoria Department of Justice and Community Safety Countering Violent Extremism Grant (S. Shepherd, J. Ogloff, M. Pathe, M. Scalora, Z, Sukabdi, Victoria Police) “Preventing Violent Extremism in Victoria - Exploring the profiles of young Victorians at-risk for extremism

Australian Research Council – Discovery Early Career Researcher Award ‘Advancing cross-cultural approaches to violence risk assessment’.